I have finally managed to get the time to sit and write a post, it has been two weeks since the last one! I am so happy to tell you that it has been a busy two weeks full of 100 metre sprints, 5k and 10k races, a couple of marathons, swimming and lots of new sports thrown in!
Of course I am talking about the Olympics! I have been going to bed early and setting alarms at stupid o'clock to see the likes of Bolt and Farah. Ignoring soaps to watch gymnastics, spending lazy Sunday afternoons watching marathons and my god how fantastic did Callum Hawkins do?
I have loved every minute of it, unfortunately though whilst it was inspiring other non sporty people to get up and be active, it seemed to have the opposite effect on me!
The week after Regents Park I lost all enthusiasm to get back into my training, I guess this could have been a little bit of the post race blues, I lacked energy, motivation, and when I did go out I didn't even remotely enjoy it. So here is a quick run down....
Mon & Tuesday - Nothing
Wednesday - Short Run of 30 minutes - 2.6 miles
Thurs & Fri - Nothing
Sat - Panshanger Park Run gaining a PB at this course of 36.51 (previous had been 38.11). Having had such a rubbish week, not sticking to my training plans I decided to go do a Park run for fun. Turned out to be enjoyable, a PB and gave me a kick up the FBB.
Sun - Nothing
So onto last week, I had gained my enthusiasm to train back, and booked some classes back in....
Mon - Pure Abs class at the gym, weights and cross training
This was the first time I had tried this class and didn't know what to expect, the instructor was male, very quiet and to be honest a bit quick in his instructions. It only ran for half hour so went very quick, and was quite slow in movement. We did things like balancing balls on our back whilst in a plank position, sit ups, sit ups whilst catching balls, hopping and jumping whilst catching balls. Side planks and so on. I was quite confused when it finished after half hour as most classes are at least 45 minutes but I did actually enjoy it.
I decided to hit the gym after to add a bit more substance to my work out and did some reps on various weight machines, 10 minute stretch on the bike and 10 minute interval session on the treadmill.
Tues - rest day
Wed - Hill Reps
This was my first go at these, the plan said to warm up for 10 minutes, then do 5 x 1 minute run up hill, walk down hill to recover and then 10 minutes cool down. The warm up went as usual, then I positioned myself at the bottom of the hill and got my composure.
I ran up the 1st rep too fast and almost killed myself! did exactly the same on the 2nd, slowed down a bit and managed the 3rd and 4th but couldn't do the 5th as I felt sick. so walked home. I wasn't sure how long my recovery walk was going to take me to walk back down the hill so had set my watch to just run program. Unfortunately this just calculated the whole thing and I couldn't see how far and at what speed each run up hill and walk down hill had been so really was no use what so ever! I had worked out though the recovery was roughly 90 seconds so wrote a mental note to set watch to interval mode next time with 60 seconds work 90 seconds recovery.
I really didn't enjoy the hill reps, I normally enjoy having a bit of a hill in the middle of my long runs, but I guess you run up that once and then carry on the flat, doing it over and over was hard on the breathing and on the legs! But I have to remember I hated my interval training in the beginning and whilst I don't jump for joy on interval days, I do enjoy it more now, well at least the competitive side of it.
Thurs - Body Pump
I returned to the 6.30am class in which you do sets of exercises using a bar bell. I decided to risk moving up to the 2.5kg weights on my bar which was a really stupid thing as I struggled all the way through the class and it made it less fun. I have such rubbish core and upper body and arm strength, but then that is why I am going to this class.
Fri -Nothing
Sat - Long Run
It took me a long time to get out of bed, but knowing I had already missed out my speed interval session this week and my long run last week I knew I had to do it. The plan stated 90 minutes of running. Previously it would have been divided into two shorter sessions with a 5 minute walk in between but I had been managing to run it all in one.
I started off as I always do, quite sluggish and feeling tight in the calves, but after about 20 minutes or so I felt in my stride. It was quite warm so I tried to keep in the shade of the trees, I planned to go up the river to about 50 minutes before turning back (as the first 5 minutes of my run was down a hill and didn't want to run back up it at the end.)
It didn't quite go to plan as by about 45 minutes I was quite tired and my legs were heavy, so I took a pit stop and a sit down for about 2 minutes whilst having a gel and a good swig of water. Then I set off again the way I had come, it took me a bit to get back into a comfortable stride, and I did have to take a couple of short walk breaks along the way. I had long since drunk all of my water and was very thirsty so stopped at my gym to top up. I had at this point run just shy of 10km in 1 hour 16 so didn't have much left to do, but as I had not made it further along the river I had to run back up the hill to home.
Well I run/walked the rest of the way after topping up with water and didn't quite make the 90 minutes. - 11km in 1 hour 26.
I am thinking that I may need to drop back down a bit and build up again or revert to the 2 shorter sessions next week but I will see how I go. I had had 2 off weeks where I had not really done much quality running or fueling, it was lunch time and ever so warm and humid so not the best circumstances.
Sun - Nothing but rest.
So now we are onto today, and today is the 1st official day of my holidays. I do not return back to work until Tuesday 30th August. It also happens to be my birthday week, so I have some fun planned! Tomorrow is my 38th birthday and I am spending the day with my daughter at a spa, having massages, facials, pool, sauna and steam rooms. It is my birthday present off my daughter, bless her heart, she has been saving her wages from her waiting job. I have never done anything like it and am looking forward to a non 'sports type' massage! In the evening we are meeting up with my fiance and his dad for an all you can eat world buffet.... mmmmmmmmm!
Wednesday I am hoping to see a friend for coffee, and Thursday is GCSE Results day, where my daughter will be getting her results, so this is going to be a nerve wracking day, she needs certain results to get into the sixth form she has chosen to do Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Psychology A Levels. All being good in addition to my birthday we will have her results to celebrate and are meeting with a good family friend in the evening for celebrations and Italian meal.
Friday I am meeting up with Alison Bell from the Big Marathon Challenge in London for a catch up and birthday cocktails. The week will be finished with another musical festival in my home town on Sunday, where all of the pubs host different bands all day.
So quite a week, full of bad food and major alcohol consumption, however after the last two bad weeks, I cannot afford to skimp on my training again so here is the plan....
Today - I did Hill Reps, they went much better than last week. I used the interval function on my watch and slowed the pace down and completed them all. I am also pleased to say that they were very consistent in distance/speed.
Tuesday - Rest Day
Wednesday - Body Pump
Thursday - Speed Intervals
Friday - Swim and aqua class
Saturday - Rest day although may do a class or a park run but will depend on the head
Sunday - Long Run
So that is it from me for now, I'll keep smaller updates on twitter over the week @FBB2VLM and will check in early next week.
Much Love
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