Monday, 11 July 2016

Slowing it down

Good afternoon all,

I have not been particularly good this last week, due to a couple of factors, not being well and eating and drinking of the very bad kind!  Therefore my training was somewhat delayed in approach... however here is the run down.

Monday - rest day, both myself and Rob had come down with a sore throat and itchy chest, at first we thought it may have been hay fever.

Tuesday - was still feeling quite rough so had another rest day.

Wednesday - Was feeling a bit better and was starting to feel very lazy so decided to get out and try a run.

My plans said 10 minute warm up walk followed by 30 minutes Z2/3 (147bpm - 167bpm) followed by 10 minutes cool down walk.

It felt very slow, and I was staying very close to 167 if not going over.  It was quite easy, my breathing stayed in control, I would have been able to have had a conversation with someone but my only company were the ducks and cows.  So when I reached the planned 30 minutes I kept on going, and only stopped at 48 minutes because I was going up a steep hill and my HR had no chance of keeping within my zones.  You can view this run here

Thursday - I went to the gym, I did some weights, 10 minutes on the cross trainer and 30 minutes on the bike.  I also walked to the gym and back just to feel even better!

Friday - Rest Day

Saturday - Intervals - 10 minutes z2/3 5 sets of 4 minutes zone 4 (174 - 180bpm) 1 minute walk recovery and 10 minutes z2 cool down.  Again I felt like I was cheating as I was going so slow and finding it hard to keeping within my HR zones, but on the upside it was probably the first set of intervals I finished, having completed all at the same level and didn't die afterwards.  I jogged part of the cool down in z2/3 and then walked the rest to keep within the z2.

I also found out (due to meeting some friends on the way home) that if I paused my watch and stood still it told me my recovery rate... which wasn't such a great find as my recovery rate was fair meaning I am still quite unfit LOL... it even had a face like the one pictured, great you do a good session and even your watch is disappointed in you! You can see the run here

Sunday - Another rest day, well kind of I was supporting Rob today, he ran the Ware10, which is a 10km or 10 mile race.  He ran the 10 miles, and it is nice as he could just jog down to the start (about 10 minutes from home) and I could stay in bed even later as they run past the house twice.

I enjoy supporting the other runners as well, and after I had seen Rob twice I walked the route backwards to the start/finish line clapping and cheering the runners.  luckily enough it took me just long enough to see Rob come through the finish line.  I then waited and cheered in all of the other runners... Being a slow runner myself I understand how quite deflating it is when you have made (what for us is) a massive effort to walk/run, jog or run a fair old distance only to get to the finish line and find that most people have gone home, and the organizers are packing away.  (One of the reasons I love Park Runs so much is that lots of people stay behind and cheer on the back runners and tell them how well they are doing.)  In fairness this race did still have supporters and they didn't start packing up until the last person was home, but it didn't hurt to have a lunatic women jumping up and down shouting and cheering and clapping... I hope not anyway!

Monday - should have been a rest day, but as I was behind in last weeks runs, and as I had the day off I decided to go for my long run.  This should have been 2 sets of 5 minute walk and 30 minute Zone 2.  I knew before I started I would not be able to stay slow enough for Zone 2 (I would have been speed walking).  So I started with a 5 minute walk and then did 1 hour straight running at zone 2/3 (mainly top end of 3) then did a walk home.  Once I had finished the run I felt as if I could have gone and kept running for longer which is good as I don't think I have run that long non stop for a long time, if ever.  Obviously that is due to the fact I am normally running faster. You can see this run here

So I have completed a week of Heart Rate training, and my thoughts are, that it has forced me to go slower on each session, which is not a bad thing as I used to finish sessions feeling quite exhausted, where as now I really feel like I could do more.

I think maybe we need to move my zones down a step (z4 levels to z3 and z3 to z2 etc) and will speak with my coach to see what he thinks.  I quite like the fact that I can run for much longer though at this slower speed, I just need to work on getting the fitness so that speed becomes a bit faster!

So that is all from me for now, its a bit boring at the moment as just trying to fit in with this new type of training and no races to speak of, but I hope if you are still reading this you are finding somethings interesting at least!

Much Love
FBB xx

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