Saturday, 15 April 2017

Victoria Park 10k

Good morning all,

Since my last post, I had to hang the trainers up for a few days, rest roll and stretch!  So in the words of the quote to the left, 'If at first you don't succeed... Try doing what your trainer told you the first time!'

Richard my coach and Sharon who does my sports massage are always telling me, stretch and roll, stretch and roll... but do I listen... of course I do, when it hurts, but its too late then, the damage is done.

So this is what led me to hang up my trainers on Wednesday 5th April and spend the few day following, resting, rolling and stretching.

Friday, 7 April 2017

Is Run/Walk for wimps?

Good afternoon all,

Yet again it has been some time, and yet again I can only say that life has got in the way!  Still, lets not dwell on my blog post-less mission but move on to my quote of the post... (Did anyone else just sing that like a radio jungle?... No? Just me then!)

Thank you Martin Luther King!